A Revised Generic Delimitation of the South American–Endemic Tribe Eudemeae (Brassicaceae)
Generic limits of the South American tribe Eudemeae are critically evaluated based on a thorough examination of morphology in light of the most extensive recent molecular phylogenetic studies using nuclear and plastid markers. As a result, only five genera (Alshehbazia Salariato & Zuloaga, Aschersoniodoxa Gilg & Muschl., Gongylis Theophr. ex Molinari & Sánchez Och., Onuris Phil., and Xerodraba Skottsb.) were monophyletic, whereas the others were not. This necessitated the recognition of the new genera Ancashia Al-Shehbaz, Salariato, A. Cano & Zuloaga, Borealandea Al-Shehbaz, Salariato, A. Cano & Zuloaga, and Stenodrabopsis Al-Shehbaz, Salariato, A. Cano & Zuloaga and merging of Brayopsis Gilg & Muschl. with the earlier-published Eudema Bonpl. The following 16 new combinations are proposed: Ancashia alpaminae (Gilg & Muschl.) Al-Shehbaz, Salariato, A. Cano & Zuloaga, A. gamosepala (Al-Shehbaz) Al-Shehbaz, Salariato, A. Cano & Zuloaga, A. polysperma (Al-Shehbaz, A. Cano & Trinidad) Al-Shehbaz, Salariato, A. Cano & Zuloaga, A. smithii (Al-Shehbaz) Al-Shehbaz, Salariato, A. Cano & Zuloaga, Borealandea colombiana (Al-Shehbaz) Al-Shehbaz, Salariato, A. Cano & Zuloaga, B. ecuadoriana (Al-Shehbaz) Al-Shehbaz, Salariato, A. Cano & Zuloaga, B. nubigena (Bonpl.) Al-Shehbaz, Salariato, A. Cano & Zuloaga, Eudema arequipa (Al-Shehbaz, A. Cano, M. A. Cueva & Salariato) Al-Shehbaz, Salariato, A. Cano & Zuloaga, E. calycinum (Desv.) Al-Shehbaz, Salariato, A. Cano & Zuloaga, E. chacasensis (Al-Shehbaz & A. Cano) Al-Shehbaz, Salariato, A. Cano & Zuloaga, E. cuscoensis (Al-Shehbaz, P. Gonzáles, A. Cano & Trinidad) Al-Shehbaz, Salariato, A. Cano & Zuloaga, E. limensis (Al-Shehbaz, Trinidad, A. Cano & P. Gonzáles) Al-Shehbaz, Salariato, A. Cano & Zuloaga, E. monimocalyx (O. E. Schulz) Al-Shehbaz, Salariato, A. Cano & Zuloaga, Stenodrabopsis imbricatifolia (Barnéoud) Al-Shehbaz, Salariato, A. Cano & Zuloaga, S. lagunae (O. E. Schulz) Al-Shehbaz, Salariato, A. Cano & Zuloaga, and S. suffruticosa (Barnéoud) Al-Shehbaz, Salariato, A. Cano & Zuloaga. Generic limits of Eudema are updated due to its union with the later-published Brayopsis. Finally, keys to the genera of Eudemeae and to species of Eudema and the new genera are presented.