A Role of Indonesian Botanic Gardens in Achieving Global Strategy for Plant Conservation Goals
The Indonesian Botanic Gardens–Indonesian Institute of Sciences (IBGs–LIPI) play a vital role in the world’s plant conservation. By establishing 27 new botanic gardens throughout the Archipelago, in collaboration with local governments and universities, IBGs’ collections conserve plant species from 16 out of 47 ecoregions occurring in Indonesia. IBGs are now accommodating 88,000 or more living specimens from 6000 flowering plant species and conserving at least 24% of the Indonesian native species listed in the global IUCN Red List. The establishment of new botanic gardens in Indonesia has been identified as one of the national priority programs, stated both in the Indonesian Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan and the Middle-term National Development Plan. By addressing the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC) goals and targets by 2020, the IBGs have directly contributed to Targets 1 to 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, and 13 to 16 (Table 1), which are in line with the functions of botanic gardens stated not only in the Indonesian Presidential Decree No. 93 (2011) but also in the Aichi Biodiversity Target.