Acknowledgment of Reviewers


The following reviewers are thanked for their collegial reviews in 2017. This peer commitment of time and effort is sincerely appreciated by the Annals.

Matthew Albrecht
James Aronson
David E. Boufford
Pedro Brancalion
Monica Carlsen
Robin Chazdon
Jindrich Chrtek
Andre Clewell
Gerrit Davidse
Charles Davis
Malte C. Ebach
Armando Estrada
Cecilia Ezcurra
Donald Falk
Manuel Guariguata
Karen Holl
David Lamb
Porter P. Lowry II
Federico Luebert
Tein McDonald
Monique McHenry
Gordon McPherson
Curt Meine
Ben Minteer
David Moreno-Mateos
Sophie Nadot
Raoul Palese
Kristen Porter-Utley
Peter H. Raven
Lauren Raz
Leighton Reid
Carl J. Rothfels
Ed Schneider
Philip A. Silverstone-Sopkin
Mark P. Simmons
Robert Soreng
Peter Stevens
Guang-Da Tang
Weston Testo
Warren Wagner
Maximilian Weigend
Sarah Wilson
Paddy Woodworth
Ke-Wang Xu
Liang Zhang
Xin-Mao Zhou

Votis gratias agamus.