Alwyn Gentry’s legacy, 30 years after


Special issue in Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden

Image of Al Gentry

Alwyn Gentry (1945–1993) was one of the most important and influential botanists of the 20th century. August 3, 2023, marks 30 years since his passing. To commemorate his life and work, we aim to publish a special issue in the Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden (AMBG), the flagship botanical journal of the Missouri Botanical Garden, Al Gentry's home institution.

We are looking for scientific contributions related to Al’s work ranging from original articles presenting new research (5000 words) to reviews (max 7000 words). Studies must concern botanical work in the Neotropics (tropical America, all ecosystems), focusing on regional diversity analyses, vegetation dynamics, macroevolution, phylogenetics, biogeography, taxonomy, or ecology in general. Contributions can be in English or Spanish.

As a first step, we invite interested authors to send a letter of intent stating: 1) the tentative title; 2) a short abstract or overview of the research/review (max. 250 words; English or Spanish) ; 3) a short sentence or two explaining why this research would fit into a special issue honoring Al Gentry; and 4) names and institutions of authors.

Letters of intent should be addressed to ALL three organizers:

Thomas Couvreur: (IRD, France)
Carmen Ulloa: (MBG, USA)
Sebastian Tello: (MBG, USA)

In a second step, authors with accepted letters of intent will be invited to submit full articles. This step will take place through the normal review process and will follow AMGB requirements for scientific publishing ( 


  • Special Issue Announcement: 3 August 2023
  • Deadline to submit letters of intent: 1 October 2023.
  • Deadline for full article submissions: 31 March 2024

Accepted articles will be published online as they are ready.